Wednesday, March 14, 2007

less is more

well, i have switched tutes just for today, because i have orchestra rehearsal tonight at 6.30 and there is no way i can make it from uni (which normally finishes at 6pm tonight if i go to my allocated 2001 lab) to orchestra in time. especially since my baby is in hospital. he needs a new radiator. and the mechanic called me up today telling me that it will cost $600 to get him all fixed up. $450 just for the radiator. I DON'T THINK SO! i believe i am getting heavily ripped off, i'm sure i can find my own radiator for ~$200 and do it myself, but i'll probably just screw it up.
The doc was supposed to call me up yesterday afternoon to tell me the diagnosis (even though i already know what's wrong) but didn't call until 10am this morning. I thought he might have lost my number, because all he did was write it down on a scrap piece of paper. I believe that if he got a full information system implemented in his shop he'd be a much happier man, with much happier customers. even if he just set up a small network, with a customer database, he'd improve his business standard greatly. maybe he can hire me as his systems analyst and pay me heaps of money for my services, so that i can actually afford my radiator. :P
ps. $50 for coolant... what the hell?

today in the tute, we went over bits of the assignment, and listened to the MP3 for the assignment. My tutor has decided that the tutorial MP3 is far too long to listen to, so we are doing some research on the basecamp program and all that sort of thing. it's quite interesting, that Jason whoever, is a very smart man. i'd very much like to start up my own company. i'd really like to be called an entrepreneur. it sounds very fancy.
i have a second job interview next week for a small IT consulting/Systems Analyst company that started from scratch about 10 years ago. They are quite successful for their size, however i'm not sure if the job is for me. I'd really like to be a junior analyst, or something more hands on with the analyst idea, but the job sounds like phone sales and reception duties. maybe because i'm a girl?
i'm getting an interview with another company in port melbourne for help dest/IT support which might be more suited to what im looking for. with time i might be able to tailor my job description.

todays lecture started off a bit strange, Yen was kind of very aggressive in the way that she conveyed her information. and not in a particually good way either. i felt as though she was pushing information at us.
you can take a horse to water, but you can't make it drink it. unless you flavour the water.
maybe if she really related to the class, and made it more interesting we'd concentrate more.
i noticed after the break, that the amount of students in the theatre decreased a lot. so i am obviously not alone with my views.
on the other hand, i am enjoying pods lectures when i get time to listen to bits and pieces of them. his podcasts are pretty nifty too. crazy cat that guy.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry if I was seen that way. Some students felt there were many terms and definitions to learn, getting confused, so, was just trying to make sure most students will understand.... Ok got your message.